Cursos de preparación para examen IELTS All-Inclusive
* La aplicación en Arequipa o cualquier lugar fuera de Lima tiene un costo de 24 dólares adicionales.

Todos los cursos de preparación en IELTS Latin America incluyen:

  • Examen oficial IELTS Academic o General Training en cualquier sede de tu país.
  • Inscripción y materiales
  • Asesoría de tutores especializados con amplia experiencia en IELTS
  • Simulaciones de examen
  • Retroalimentación del tutor
  • Talleres especializados de escritura

Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive PREMIUM

El paquete IELTS All-Inclusive PREMIUM incluye:

  • Cursos IELTS de 20 horas privado con tutor especializado,  personalizado a tus requerimientos de aprendizaje, con retroalimentación constante sobre tu desempeño, potenciando así  tu desarrollo en las diferentes habilidades requeridas en el examen.
  • Horario flexible adaptado a tus necesidades.
  • Examen oficial IELTS Academic o General Training en cualquier sede de tu país
  • Taller de escritura gratuito

El precio del Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive PREMIUM  es de $705 USD

Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive GOLD

El paquete IELTS All – Inclusive GOLD incluye:

  • Curso de 40 horas en grupos reducidos, en horarios establecidos.
  • Examen oficial IELTS Academic o General Training en cualquier sede de tu país
  • Taller de escritura gratuito

El precio del Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive es de $580 USD

Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive SILVER

El paquete IELTS All – Inclusive SILVER incluye:

  • Curso de 20 horas en grupos reducidos, en horarios establecidos.
  • Examen oficial IELTS Academic o General Training en cualquier sede de tu país
  • Taller de escritura gratuito

El precio del Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive es de $400 USD

IELTS ih Lima - Curso All inclusive
2 Full Listening Mock Tests – 1 at beginning of course before tips and strategies and 1 at the end of the course after learning the tips and strategies. 2 Full Listening Mocks Tests – 1 at beginning of course before tips and strategies and 1 at the end of the course after learning the tips and strategies.
2 Full Reading Mock Tests – 1 at beginning of course before tips and strategies and 1 at the end of the course after learning the tips and strategies 2 Full Reading Mock Tests – 1 at beginning of course before tips and strategies and 1 at the end of the course after learning the tips and strategies.
2 Full Writing Mock Tests – 1 at beginning of course before tips and strategies and 1 at the end of the course after learning the tips and strategies. 3 Full Writing Mock Tests – 1 at beginning of course before tips and strategies. 1 in the middle of the course, after learning tips and strategies. 1 at the end of the course using better gramatical structures taught during the course.
1 Full speaking Mock Test – The speaking mock test is performed after students have received the scoring criteria and have received tips and strategies for the speaking test. 2 Full speaking Mock Tests – The speaking mock test is performed after students have received the scoring criteria and have received tips and strategies for the speaking test. On the final day, in combination with the final writing mock, students will have the opportunity to have a second full mock speaking.
GRAMMAR – In general, this course does not focus on improving grammar for the exam. This course focuses more on the format of the exam and tips and strategies for improving their score. GRAMMAR – Here we focus on grammar structures that improve writing and speaking. In addition, we practice the structures through listening activities, grammar exercises, and finally either a short reading practice and/or a short writing exercises. We have approx. 3-4 days of grammar focus with a specific focus on the IETLS exam.
WRITING – General tips and strategies for writing which includes, organization, paraqraphinq, structuring the introduction paragraph and how to continue the writing in the body paragraphs that follow. WRITING – General tips and strategies for writing which includes, organization, paraqraphinq, structuring the introduction paraqraph and how to continue the writing in the body paragraphs that follow. In addition, we focus on general writing skills that focus on the structures of complex and complex compound sentences which are necessary for higher band scores. We also focus on other specific structures that help in writing for example, relative clauses, passive structures, linking ideas, etc..

Precios Curso/Paquete

curso Precio
Curso + Examen Precio
Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive PREMIUM US$ 699
Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive GOLD US$ 575
Paquete IELTS All-Inclusive SILVER US$ 395

El examen IELTS está disponible en 4 sedes a nivel nacional.

Miraflores, Lima Norte, Arequipa e Ica.